Facebook Marketing: The Price Is Right

Facebook has come a long way since 2004 when Mark Zuckerberg first launched the social media site as theFacebook from his Harvard dorm room.  Who knew that within a decade it would become the biggest, most influential social media site in the world with more than 1.5 billion monthly active users?

If you don’t yet have a Facebook page for your business, you’re doing your business a real disservice. It’s a marketing platform that can’t be matched by any other form of advertising. It’s literally world-wide exposure and, best of all, it’s free!

Sure, there are marketing tools available through Facebook for which you can pay, and if you understand how to strategically place Facebook ads they can be very effective. But there’s another often overlooked opportunity that you should at least consider to increase your brand awareness for free through Facebook: a dedicated group.

Get Your Facebook Page Up And Running

First, let’s take a quick look at the differences between Facebook pages and Facebook groups, starting with the most obvious difference: A Facebook page has followers (people who “like” the page) while a Facebook group has members (people who have joined the group).

A Facebook business page is basically a profile for your business. Just as you have your own personal Facebook page, so too can your business. This is where you can post about what’s happening in your business right now, as well as share videos, photos, and tips with your followers.

In many ways, your company Facebook page is better than your website because it allows potential clients to keep current on what’s happening with your business day-to-day or week-to-week. Your website probably doesn’t change much over the course of a year, especially if you run a small business. Having a website only lets people know that your business exists; having a social media presence, however, lets people see how active your business is. And as an added bonus, search engines can find your business’ Facebook page.

A Facebook group, on the other hand, is more like a hang-out that you set up for likeminded people. It’s more interactive than a Facebook business page because it’s purpose is to bring people with shared interests together to communicate. Xtreme Media doesn’t currently have a Facebook group, but if we did, it might be for small business owners interested in learning and sharing video marketing tips, or for Colorado-based video production company owners.

Is a Facebook Group Right For You?

All right, so you already know a Facebook page for your business is a no-brainer, but do you need a Facebook group too?

It’s a great idea, but it’s also a lot of work. If you’re not easily scared off by that, then I would say yes, definitely start a group and put the work in because it is worth it. Businesses with Facebook groups report higher engagement and more sales because of the personal connections fostered through groups. Remember, it’s YOU who runs the group, not your business, and it’s individuals—not businesses—who are the members. Facebook group marketing creates an opportunity for one-on-one connections, and that’s a powerful marketing tool. So if you’re committed to growing your community in order for your group to thrive, you won’t be disappointed.

Even if you aren’t going to start your own group, at least join others so you can be seen. Visibility is the key to gaining new business, and the more people that know about you, the more who will buy from you.

One word of advice: Don’t join Facebook groups to spam them with promotions. Join them to make connections, to give value, and to share your knowledge. You’ll find that when you consistently build relationships and make genuine connections, people will come to you.

Does your business already have a Facebook page? We’d like to hear how it’s benefitting your business. Share your thoughts in the Comments section or visit our Facebook page and post your thoughts there.

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